TIME OUT | The best live theater to stream online this week

The Brazilian experimental-theatre group Os Satyros, based in São Paulo, teams up with Los Angeles’s Company of Angels for an American-cast production of its surreal dystopian virtual play, set in a future in which general population has been in Corona-related quarantine for more than 15 years. (Has it not already been that long?) Rodolfo García Vázquez directs a cast of 16 in a script he wrote with Ivam Cabral. The recommended ticket price for this hour-long Zoom performance is $15, but other options are available, including a limited number of $2 tickets; virtual seats must be reserved at least an hour in advance. The show runs on weekends through tomorrow; today only, it is also being performed by an African/European cast at 3pm EDT and a Brazilian cast at 5:30pm EDT.


Fonte: Time Out

Ator, roteirista e cineasta. Co-fundador da Cia. Os Satyros e diretor executivo da SP Escola de Teatro.
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