North-East actors and theatre company represent UK on international stage

By Tasmin Lockwood

A NORTH-East theatre company is representing the UK in an international theatre production, which is playing live to audiences all this month.

Darlington-based OddManOut Theatre has collaborated with artists from across three continents to coproduce The Art of Facing Fear, a live digital production inspired by the Covid-19 pandemic and created for Zoom.

OddManOut’s associate artists, Christina Berriman Dawson and Elijah Young are the only two UK actors taking part in the project, alongside performers from Sweden, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa and Brazil.

Katy Weir, artistic director at OddManOut, said: “We feel privileged to be involved in the production of The Art of Facing Fear and Christina and Elijah have been working tirelessly to bring a unique theatrical experience to a worldwide audience.”

Exploring themes of loneliness, depression, fear and sadness at widespread intolerance and extremism, The Art of Fear will tell individual stories from across a world changed forever.

For 22-year-old Teesside-born actor Elijah Young, the play has offered the chance to develop a lot of new skills.

He said: “As well as being an actor, I’ve also had to dabble in set, lighting and costume design… when you’re working in your house on your own, that’s what you have to do.

“We’ve had lots of help via Zoom of course – individual meetings with the costume designer and technical team, who have been fantastic. It’s been such a wonderfully collaborative project.

“Together, we have created what resembles a dystopian set out of what I had available at home. It’s really quite dramatic – and I’m using an LED light gel wrapper around my phone as a camera filter, which works really well.”

The Art of Facing Fear is being performed on Friday and Saturdays throughout August.

For more details, visit

Fonte: The Northern Echo

Ator, roteirista e cineasta. Co-fundador da Cia. Os Satyros e diretor executivo da SP Escola de Teatro.
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