Digital Play Kicks off Weekend

By Yinka Olatunbosun

A new digital play titled ‘The Art of Facing Fear’ is set to take off this weekend on Zoom. The play will be presented live every Friday and Saturday throughout August by an international cast with artists drawn from three different continents.

The production was first developed and performed by Os Satyros-Brazil. The August-long production will feature artists from three different continents including production companies such as Cie Kaddu (Senegal), Crown Troupe of Africa (Nigeria), Darling Desperados (Sweden), Oddmanout Theatre Company (England), Portuegese Cultural Centre of Mindelo (Cape Verde), Tell-a-Tale (Nigeria), The Kwasha! Theatre Company (South Africa), The Market Theatre Laboratory (South Africa), Village Gossip Productions (South Africa). The majority of the artists have never met physically with all rehearsals and performances taking place online thus embracing the new normal.

Written by Ivam Cabral and Rodolfo Garcia Vazquez, the idea behind this digital play is to establish the points in common among different national realities during the pandemic while addressing questions such as “What are the fears that took over mankind during this period globally? What are the effects of social intolerance and political extremism in the world today?”

At the end of the performance, the audience will be encouraged to hang on and talk freely to the artists and the other members of the audience about the performance especially on the effects of the pandemic in their home countries.

“The tickets are on a donation basis as we were unable to obtain funding, all money raised will go to the artists involved – and we ask kindly that if you are able to, please donate to the project,” the co-producer, Bola Stephen-Atitebi revealed.

The show which starts on July 31st runs through August and the link is open 15 minutes before the show starts.

Fonte: This Day, Nigeria

Ator, roteirista e cineasta. Co-fundador da Cia. Os Satyros e diretor executivo da SP Escola de Teatro.
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