REPERCUSSÃO: FILIPINAS | Dystopic Play, ‘The Art of Facing Fear’ to Stream this Weekend

The digital play, The Art of Facing Fear, is set to premiere its world version this Sunday, featuring 25 actors from 5 continents, including Filipino actors Bong Cabrera and Norbs Portales.

The actors who are collaborating for the show come across different countries, including the Philippines, Angola, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Cape Verde, China, Cuba, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Iran, Kenya, Korea, Nigeria, Russia, Singapore, United Kingdom, USA, and Venezuela, who will each perform from their homes. This production has been preceded by its Brazilian, Afro-European, and North American montages.

The idea of ​​The Art Of Facing Fear: The World United version was born in 2020, during the technical rehearsal of the company Os Satyros for the Good The@ter Festival & Awards, produced by The Red Curtain International, a global non-profit organization that champions The@tre Without Borders.

Directed by Rodolfo García Vázquez, co-founder and director of Os Satyros, the show will be performed mainly in English, with excerpts using the other native languages ​​of the actors. As with all rehearsals, all presentations will take place remotely and in real-time, with each actor in their home, in their country and in their respective time zone, using technology to reconcile different worlds.

“No work by Os Satyros ignores socio-political, economic and artists involved in the work. Therefore, the script will reflect much of the dynamics developed with this cross-cultural cast,” says Vázquez.

Indian director and producer Sumit Lai Roy, one of the founders of The Red Curtain International, shares, “Twenty-five actors from five continents! If you think finding them was difficult, imagine booking rehearsals with all these time zones. Fortunately, The Red Curtain International has already developed some expertise in assembling calendars across multiple time zones.”

The play is set in a dystopian future, where people are trying to reconstruct stories from a life before the pandemic. In quarantine for 5,555 days, isolated and anguished, they created an internet group to connect. These friends don’t understand how electricity still exists or if there is still access to the web, because television stations and newspapers have ceased to exist and cities have been abandoned. Depression, loneliness, fear of contagion, anguish over the proximity of death pervade the scenes of the show.

The Art of Facing Fear will stream live for free on June 20 at 2am, 10am, and 7pm, Philippine time, on The Red Curtain International’s website. You can also book your tickets there

Fonte: Theater Fans Manila

Ator, roteirista e cineasta. Co-fundador da Cia. Os Satyros e diretor executivo da SP Escola de Teatro.
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