“Um dos mais belos e comoventes trabalhos a que a cidade assiste neste conturbado 2019.” José Cetra Filho, Palco Paulistano, nov/2019 “A gente sai muito pensativo depois de um espetáculo poderoso como esse.” Clayton Melo, A Vida no Centro, nov/2019 “Maduro e comevedor.” Contardo Calligaris, Folha de S.Paulo, nov/2019 “Todos os Sonhos do Mundo: alegria […]

All the dreams of the world

Last week, in this column, I tried to summarize the inheritance of the 1960s – at least the inheritance they left in me. I wrote that the 1960s invented neither the splendor nor the radical leftist militancy. So they invented what? The most relevant proposition of those years seems to me to have been (and […]

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