In 2501, on Planet Earth, lives Shiny Glitter, a human being totally free from the cliches of the gender binary dictatorship. Heirs of the largest known diamond, the Pink Star, they are murdered when running away to another galaxy, towards Shiralea VI. Who killed the freest person who ever existed? The show seeks to reconstruct their trajectory in order to unravel the enigma of their death.

The play, which won awards in Brazil, is staged on the Zoom platform, with aesthetic references from the geek, cartoon and anime universe. On it 22 artists will act directly from their homes, in cities spread across Brazil.
Written by Ivam Cabral and Rodolfo García Vázquez, the text aproaches the post-family relationships with gender issues and Queer theory, based on theoretical texts by Judith Butler and Paul B. Preciado, among others.
Os Satyros is a Brazilian theatre company founded in 1989, by Ivam Cabral and Rodolfo García Vázquez. They have produced over 100 plays performed in more than 20 countries and also 2 fiction films. The company have been researching the relation between technology and theatre for over 10 years, with several of the company´s productions having used the internet, robots, apps and cell phones on stage. When the pandemic started, they decided to go into the research of new possibilities for digital theatre using the zoom app.


The show will be live and streamed by Zoom platform.
The show will be in Portuguese with English subtitles.
To access the broadcast:
1) Download the Zoom app from, if you don’t have it on your device;
2) On the day of the presentation, half an hour before the show, you will get an email with the Zoom link and 15 minutes before the room will be open.
It’s important that a page doesn’t have pop-up blocking on your device;
3) If you have any problem with Chrome browser due to pop up blocking, try in Safari or Explorer;
4) When entering the room, turn on your device’s speaker in the Zoom app so that you can listen to the show. Turn off your video and your microphone.

Fonte: Hollywood Fringe Festival

Ator, roteirista e cineasta. Co-fundador da Cia. Os Satyros e diretor executivo da SP Escola de Teatro.
Post criado 1785

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